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E. coli Statistics

This section contains several tables describing statistical data on E. coli derived or measured from several sources. These tables are periodically updated and are intended to provide CCDB users with sufficient or necessary details to help in cellular simulation programs or in explaining certain features of E. coli physiology and metabolism. The first table contains general statistics on E. coli dimensions, kinetics, components, copy numbers, concentrations and metabolism. The second table contains information derived from analyses of the E. coli genome and proteome as contained in the CCDB.

 General Statistics  


 Cell length  2 um or 2x10-6 m


 Cell diameter  0.8 um or 0.8x10-6 m


 Cell total volume  1x10-15 L or 1x10-18 m3

(other est. at 0.88x10-15 L)


 Cell aqueous volume  7 x 10-16 L


 Cell surface area  6x10-12 m2


 Cell wet weight  1x10-15 kg or 1x10-12 g


 Cell dry weight  3.0x10-16 kg or 3.0x10-13 g


 Periplasm volume  6.5x10-17 L


 Cytoplasm volume  6.7x10-16 L


 Envelope volume  1.6x10-16 L


 Nuclear (DNA+protein) volume  1.6x10-16 L


 Inner Membrane thickness  8x10-9 m


 Outer Membrane thickness  8x10-9 - 15x10-9 m


 Periplasm thickness  1x10-8 m


 Average size of protein  360 residues


 Average diameter of ave. protein  5 nm


 Average MW of protein  40 kD


 Average prot. oligomerization state  4 proteins/complex


 Average MW of protein entity  160 kD


 Average size of mRNA  1100 bases


 Average length of mRNA  370 nm


 Average MW of all RNAs  400 kD


 Average MW of single DNA  3.0x109 D or 3.0x106 kD


 Average MW of all DNA  7 x 106 kD


 Average length of DNA (chrom.)  1.55 mm


 Diameter of chromosome  490 um


 Diameter of condensed chromosome  17 um


 Spacing between small organics  3.6 nm/molecule


 Spacing between ions  2.1 nm/molecule


 Ave. spacing between proteins  7 nm/molecule


 Spacing between protein entities  9 nm/molecule


 Mean Velocity of 70 kD protein (cytoplasm)  3 nm/ms = 3x10-6 m/s


 Mean Velocity of 40 kD protein (cytoplasm)  5 nm/ms = 5x10-6 m/s


 Mean Velocity of 30 kD protein (cytoplasm)  7 nm/ms = 7x10-6 m/s


 Mean Velocity of 14 kD protein (cytoplasm)  10 nm/ms = 10x10-6 m/s


 Mean Velocity of small molecules (cytoplasm)  50 nm/ms = 5x10-5 m/s


 Mean Velocity of protein in H2O  27 nm/ms = 2.7x10-5 m/s


 Mean Velocity of small molecules in H2O  87 nm/ms = 8.7x10-5 m/s


 Concentration of protein in cell  200-320 mg/mL (5-8 mM)


 Concentration of RNA in cell  75-120 mg/mL (0.5-0.8 mM)


 Concentration of DNA in cell  11-18 mg/mL (5 nM)


 Volume occupied by water  70%


 Volume occupied by protein  17%


 Volume occupied by all RNA  6%


 Volume occupied by rRNA  5%


 Volume occupied by tRNA  0.8%


 Volume occupied by mRNA  0.2%


 Volume occupied by DNA  1%


 Volume occupied by ribosomes  8%


 Volume occupied by lipid  3%


 Volume occupied by LPS  1%


 Volume occupied by murein  1%


 Volume occupied by glycogen  1%


 Volume occupied by ions  0.3%


 Volume occupied by small organics  1%


 Translation rate  40 aa/sec


 RNA polymerase transcription rate  70 nt/sec

 Large Molecule Copy Numbers  


 Number of cell walls/cell  1


 Number of membranes/cell  2


 Number of chromosomes/cell  2.3 (at mid log phase)


 Number of mRNA/cell  4000


 Number of rRNA/cell  18,000


 Number of tRNA/cell  200,000


 Number of all RNA/cell  222,000


 Number of polysaccharides/cell  39,000


 Number of murein molecules/cell  240,000-700,000


 Number of lipopolysaccharide/cell  600,000


 Number of lipids/cell  25,000,000


 Number of all lipids/cell  25,000,000


 Number of phosphatidylethanolamine  18,500,000


 Number of phosphatidylglycerol  5,000,000


 Number of cardiolipin  1,200,000


 Number of phosphatidylserine  500,000


 Number of LPS (MW = 10kD)  600,000


 Average SA of lipid molecule  25 Ang2


 Fraction of lipid bilayer=lipid  40%


 Fraction of lipid bilayer=protein  60%


 Number of outer membrane proteins  300,000


 Number of porins (subset of OM)  60,000


 Number of lipoproteins (OM)  240,000


 Number of inner membrane proteins  200,000


 Number of nuclear proteins  100,000


 Number of cytoplasmic proteins  1,000,000 (excluding ribo proteins)


 Number of ribosomal proteins  900,000


 Number of periplasmic proteins  80,000


 Number of all proteins in cell  2,600,000


 Number of external proteins (flag/pili)  1,000,000


 Number of all proteins  3,600,000

 Statistics on Larger Molecule Complexes  


 Number of protein types to make flagella  42


 Length of flagella  10-20 um or ~15,000 nm


 Diameter of flagella  25 nm


 Number of protofilaments in flagellum  11


 Diameter of each fliC monomer  5 nm


 Number of fliC monomers in filament  3000x11=33,000


 Number of flagella/cell  10


 Number of fliC proteins  330,000


 Speed at which E. coli move  50 um/sec = 18 x10-5 km/h


 Number of protein types to make pilus  1


 Length of pili/fimbrae  200-2000 nm


 Diamter of pili  6.5 nm


 Number of papA/nm pilus  1.5


 Number of papA monomers/pilus  3000-30,000


 Number of pili/cell  100-300


 Number of papA/cell  300,000-900,000


 Number of ribosomes/cell  18,000


 Number of protein types to make ribosome  55


 Number rRNA types to make ribosome  3


 Number of proteins in 30S subunit  21


 Number of proteins in 50S subunit  34


 Number of rRNA in 30S subunit  1


 Number of rRNA in 50S subunit  2


 Length of all rRNA  5520 nt


 MW of ribosome  2700 kD


 MW of RNA component  1700 kD


 MW of protein component  1000 kD


 Diameter of ribosome  20 nm


 Volume of ribosome  4.2 x 10-24 m3

 Small Molecule Copy Numbers  


 Number of water molecules/cell  2.34x1010 (23.4 billion)


 Number of ions/cell  120,000,000 (300 mM)


 Number of small organics/cell  18,000,000 (40-50 mM)


 Number of K ions  90,000,000 (200-250 mM)


 Number of Na ions  2,000,000 (5 mM)


 Na (in): Na (out)  1:20 (in concentration)


 Number of Ca ions  2,300,000 (6 mM)


 Number of free Ca ions  40 (100 nM)


 Number of Cl ions  2,400,000 (6 mM)


 Number of Mg ions  4,000,000 (10 mM)


 Number of Fe ions  7,000,000 (18 mM)


 Number of Mn ions  1,700,000 (4 mM)


 Number of Zn ions  1,700,000 (4 mM)


 Number of Mo ions  1,700,000 (4 mM)


 Number of Cu ions  1,700,000 (4 mM)


 Number of PO4 ions  2,000,000 (5 mM)


 Number of glucose/cell  200,000-400,000 (0.5-1 mM)


 Number of PEP/cell  1,100,000 (2.8 mM)


 Number of pyruvate/cell  370,000 (0.9 mM)


 Number of gluc-6-PO4/cell  20,000 (0.05 mM)


 Number of ATP/cell  500,000 – 3,000,000 (1.3-7.0 mM)


 Number of ADP/cell  70,000 (0.17 mM)


 Number of NADP/cell  240,000 (0.63 mM)


 Number of NADPH/cell  220,000 (0.56 mM)


 Number of all amino acids/cell  6,000,000 (1.5 mM)


 Number of free Alanine/cell  350,000 (0.8 mM)


 Number of free Cysteine/cell  80,000 (0.2 mM)


 Number of free Aspartate/cell  530,000 (1.34 mM)


 Number of free Glutamate/cell  200,000 (0.5 mM)


 Number of free Phenylalanine/cell  170,000 (0.4 mM)


 Number of free Glycine/cell  350,000 (0.8 mM)


 Number of free Histidine/cell  80,000 (0.2 mM)


 Number of free Isoleucine/cell  200,000 (0.5 mM)


 Number of free Lysine/cell  190,000 (0.46 mM)


 Number of free Leucine/cell  300,000 (0.7 mM)


 Number of free Methionine/cell  40,000 (0.1 mM)


 Number of free Asparagine/cell  200,000 (0.5 mM)


 Number of free Proline/cell  200,000 (0.5 mM)


 Number of free Glutamine/cell  200,000 (0.5 mM)


 Number of free Arginine/cell  170,000 (0.4 mM)


 Number of free Serine/cell  300,000 (0.7 mM)


 Number of free Threonine/cell  1,400,000 (3.49 mM)


 Number of free Valine/cell  240,000 (0.6 mM)


 Number of free Tryptophan/cell  80,000 (0.2 mM)


 Number of free Tyrosine/cell  300,000 (0.7 mM)


 Osmotic pressure (pushing out)  75 lb/in2

 E. coli Metabolism  


 1 glucose generates (total)  36-38 ATP


 glycolysis yields  6-8 ATP


 oxidation of pyruvate yields  6 ATP


 Krebs cycle/e- transport yields  24 ATP


 Number ATP to make 1 DNA  72,289,000


 Number ATP to make 1 protein (360 aa)  1500


 Number ATP to make 1 lipid  7


 Number ATP to make 1 polysaccharide  2000


 Number ATP to make 1 RNA (1000 nt)  2000


 Number ATP to make 1 cell  55 billion ATP


 Number Glucose molecules consumed  1.4 billion molecules


 Cell division rate  1 division/30 minutes

E. coli Statistics References

  2)   Garrett, R.H., and Grisham, C.M. Biochemistry, 2nd Edition (2002), pg. 32
  4)   Goodsell, D.S. (1991) Inside a Living Cell, Trends Biochem Sci. 16, 203-206.
  5)   Neidhardt, F.C. et al. (1987) Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium: Cellular and Molecular Biology Vol. 1. American Society for Microbiology.
  6)   Nanninga N., ed. (1985) Molecular Cytology of Escherichia coli, Academic Press
  7)   Ingraham, J.L., Maaloe, O. and Neidhardt, F.C. (1983) Growth of the Bacterial Cell, Sinauer Association
  8)   Albe, K.R., Butler, M.H. and Wright, B.E. (1990) J. Theor. Biol. 143, 163-195.
  9)   Rohwer, J.M. et al. (2000) Understanding Glucose Transport, J. Biol. Chem. 275, 34909-34921.
  10)   Elowitz, M.B. et al. (1999) Protein Mobility in the Cytoplasm of E. coli, J. Bacteriol 181, 197-203.
  11)   Chassagnole, C. et al. (2001) Control of the Threonine Synthesis Pathway in E. coli, Biochem. J. 356, 433-444.
  12)   Zimmereman, S.B. and Trach, S.O. (1991) Estimation of Macromolecular Concentrations in E. coli, J. Mol. Biol. 222, 599-620.

Codon Usage Table

Codon Amino Acid Relative Abundance
per Amino Acid
Relative Frequency
per 1000 Codons

The sequence of E. coli reveals 4441 open reading frames corresponding to 4322 proteins and 122 rRNAs and tRNAs.Of these, only two thirds are of known function.The entire complement of proteins in E. coli can be classified into 12 molecular functions. Among the ORFs there are 609 nucleic acid binding proteins, 247 transcription regulatory proteins, 59 proteins wiith chaperonin activity, 19 proteins with motor activity, 1656 proteins with catalytic activity, 687 proteins with transporter activity, 1079 binding proteins, 71 with structure-only roles, 2 toxins, 4 enzyme regulators, 6 defense/immunity proteins and 91 proteins with signal transducer activity . Considerabledata is accumulating on the proteins, their localization and expression. Presently, the three-dimensional structure of over 532 (12%) are available on the PDB database and an additional 770 (18%) have been modeled. However, a much large number of homologous proteins have also had their X-ray or NMR structures determined. As of Aug. 1, 2003, the number of PSI-BLAST fold assignments for E. coli has increased to 2150 proteins or approximately 49% of the known E. coli ORFs.
CyberCell Database Statistics





 Number of Protein Coding Genes  4252


 Number of X-Ray Structures    478


 Number of NMR Structures      65


 Number of Model Structures    770


 Number without 3D Structures  2976


 Number of Cytoplasmic Proteins  2790


 Number of Periplasmic Proteins    152


 Number of Membrane Proteins    1053


 Number with EC Numbers    933


 Number with Incomplete EC Numbers     396


 Number with No EC Numbers  2923


 Number with Quaternary Structures  1340


 Number of Interacting Partners  1421


 Number with Unknown Functions  432


 Number of Essential Genes    297


 Number of Non Essential Genes  2052


 Number of Unknown Importance  1839


 Number with Homologs in Model Organisms   1067


 Number with Paralogs    4232


 Number with Signal Peptides    792


 Number with Met Cleavage  3751


 Number of Translated Proteins  4190


 Number of Post-Translated Proteins  3810


 Total Number of Translated + Mature Proteins  7941